another fine world you got me into

by uzwi

Tim’s book launched last night in the world of Kensington. We had a drink or two. The smokers sat out on the balcony long into the twilight, discussing the golden, possibly mythological ground the ancients called “Tunisia”, where people still light up with confidence in the petrol stations & cinemas; which they oppose to the state of “Canada”, where to inquire if you might smoke is like asking if you can rape a small child. I thought how well a certain obituaries editor would fit in here, his opinions hardly separated by a cigarette paper from those of his political opposites… Later we made our way through bijou streets lined with Bentley cars, their personalised number plates glowing gently in the fading light (etc etc), to the Builder’s Arms. I couldn’t get out of my head the slippery first lines of the book, which have a page of their own: Very little is known at the start. As the story unfolds, more will be revealed. The reviews, which are already good, talk about gaming, & how to get into the heads of today’s young experience & that, but they aren’t getting the jokes.

I guess, OK, if she says so, she has got thru the TSZ without creating a bloodbath etc. OK. OK. Maybe that is possible. You can certainly try this. But listen up to what is true. ANY PERSON RAY DOES NOT KILL HERE WILL COME BACK 200 TIMES STRONGER IN THE NEXT TOWN AND WILL BE HELL-BENT WITH DARK HEART AND MURDER IN THEIR EYES TO TAKE RAY OUT OF THE ACTION FOREVER. It is not a pretty way to go if the Zombies get Ray, believe me, because I tried and Ray was pulled to something that looked like McChicken pieces (?) and eaten alive. “You do not want it,” as Clockwork and me like to say. “You do not want it.” “You do not want it.” Or another good advisory: Kill now to survive later.

Anyway, today I have the nicest hangover of the year. This is because its not every night a beautiful woman comes up to you & says, Have some of the beetroot, it not only tastes good it makes yr pee pink. I meant to write this up properly. Sorry.